Why Art & Books always go first.

There is no such thing as "an innocent act of censorship". To many, art and books are dangerous weapons.

art censorship metoo timesup

Censored Art in times of #MeToo

As a notable women movement is getting stronger, art is being censored.

The Garden of Earthly Delights

10 Reasons Why Art History matters

by María Magdalena Ziegler  It’s common that people say Science is the key to our education. We won’t argue against that. But, hey, Art History is also important! Why? Keep reading and you’ll see the 10 main reasons it matters so much. Art History matters as much as Science. That is a fact! If Marie …

Continue reading 10 Reasons Why Art History matters

warhol michelangelo creativity joy art history

There is joy in the history of art

by María Magdalena Ziegler D.   Thousands of slides in an hour. That’s the story behind a traditional class about the history of art. But it shouldn’t be that way anymore. Stop the boring art history classes now! If you’re an art teacher or just a curious person who is in love with art history, then …

Continue reading There is joy in the history of art

Art World Debates – Can A Computer Detect Art Forgery Or Make Paintings That Fool Even The Experts?

The art world is now on the cusp of a new problem – computers creating works of art that might soon become near impossible to spot as fakes. For the past few decades, artworks of famous artists have been scientifically decoded by physicists who have found beautiful mathematical patterns hidden in plain sight. Richard Taylor, …

Continue reading Art World Debates – Can A Computer Detect Art Forgery Or Make Paintings That Fool Even The Experts?